by Lot Vekemans
translation by Rina Vergano
To book tickets for performances on 12th & 19th November at 13.00 , please log in to your KuBo account.
These performances are only available through KuBo.
To book tickets for matinés at 13:00 27th November and 3rd December and all evening performances, please fill out the form below.
Ticket price for schools within Gothenburg: 40 SEK per student.
Ticket price for schools outside of Gothenburg: 140 SEK per student.
Ticket price for folkhögskolor within and outside of Gothenburg: 140 SEK per student.
Two teachers per 30 students attend for free.
All prices include 6% VAT (MOMS).
*This booking form is for grundskola and gymnasiet only. For Folkhögskola and other adult education, contact Production Manager Sarah Johansson at or 031 42 50 65